Category: Investing

Current Market Outlook

BLOG POST: Our Current Market Outlook is “Market in a Correction" and our light is “red.“...

Professional Selling Expands, New Lows too

Professional Selling Expands, New Lows too Special Bulletin: April 6, 2022 The stock market is either running out of gas or pausing to recharge at this juncture. We have written in the past about what we call a “question mark moment” and we are facing one now. The “worries”...

Just what is WICCIR Anyway?

Just what is WICCIR Anyway? Special Bulletin: March 31, 2022 As the first quarter of 2022 winds down today, the stock (and bond) market has a lot on its mind. On Wall Street, it is often stated that the “stock market climbs a wall of worry.” At certain points...