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Our Current Market Outlook was downgraded to “Uptrend Under Pressure” with a yellow light as of 10:30am on 05/29/24 with the SPX @ 5,277.66). While the S&P500 and Nasdaq indexes are still well above their 50-day mav’s, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is testing its own. Additionally, certain technical indictors (the math of the market) are showing developing weakness under the surface. Prepare for a possible sharp price reversal on the main indexes that drops them back to their 50-day mav’s on big volume (distribution) soon. Our Core Four has 1 green, 2 yellow and 1 red light, while the VIX remains under its own 50-day mav. Rates are rising again as the economy is slowing which means stocks may stall.

Special Bulletin: July 22, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment Say it isn’t so, Joe We are grieved for the American people. Our nation deserves better than this. The leaders on the DNP (as well as their minions in the press corps) have done a grave disservice to not only their party but to the American people at large. Our election (selection) process shouldn’t be run as a high-drama game or an overly

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Special Bulletin: July 15, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment Rotation, Rotation, Rotation / Fight! Fight! Fight! Everyone knows the three most important words in real estate are: “location, location, location!” Well, in the stock market it appears that the three most important words are “rotation, rotation, rotation!” And if you think about it, they are very similar. “Location” is where everyone wants to be now, and “rotation” is where institutions are going

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Special Bulletin: July 8, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment The Debt Clock Remember back when we used to hear a lot about the “Debt Ceiling?” At certain times in history, it was all over the news and you couldn’t get away from it. Truth is many Americans believed there was such a thing and that it mattered. They even hoped Congress would respect it and stay under it. Now before you laugh

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Special Bulletin: July 1, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment The Declaration of Independence Question: Do they have the 4th of July in England? Answer: Yes, it comes between the 3rd and the 5th. Now what if the question asked, “Do they celebrate…?” What a difference one word makes! The same is true when discussing the Declaration of Independence. Several years ago, our Triumphant team made a declaration of independence when we transitioned

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Special Bulletin: June 24, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment Another Big PCE Number is Coming on Friday If a week without a big economic release or a Fed meeting would seem rather unusual now, this week won’t disappoint. Brace yourself for “another big PCE number” on Friday (insert YAWN). Be careful! The moment most participants get bored with key economic releases is the moment they matter the most. Complacency should be a

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Special Bulletin: June 14, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment At New Highs: Caution is Warranted / Happy Father’s Day, Dad? Our Current Market Outlook is “Uptrend Under Pressure” with a yellow light (the last signal change was at 10:30am on 05/29/24 with the SPX @ 5,277.66). Our Core Four improved slightly this week to 2 green and 2 red lights. The VIX remains well under its 50-day mav – a short-term positive While

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Special Bulletin: June 8, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment Hurricane Season Starts and the World Awaits Powell Our Current Market Outlook remains “Uptrend Under Pressure” with a yellow light (the recent signal change came at 10:30am on 05/29/24 with the SPX @ 5,277.66). Our Core Four improved slightly this week to 1 green, 2 yellow and 1 red light. The VIX traded back under its own 50-day mav this week and remains low,

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Special Bulletin: May 31, 2024 (10am Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment The Downgrade Happened / Thank You Lord for Grandpa Brooks Our Current Market Outlook was downgraded to “Uptrend Under Pressure” with a yellow light as of 10:30am on 05/29/24 (with the SPX @ 5,277.66) as seen on our Linked-In and C.M.O. posts that day. While the S&P500 and Nasdaq indexes are still holding above their 50-day mav’s, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has slipped

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Special Bulletin: May 25, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment Near a Downgrade to Yellow / Thank You to those who gave it All A “follow-through day” finally happened on the 18th day of the rally attempt on May 15th confirming our C.M.O. signal upgrade to green on the prior day (05/14). Higher volume showed up on those back-to-back days, too. Our Current Market Outlook remains “Market in an Uptrend” with a green light

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Special Bulletin: May 15, 2024 (10am Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment Up on Higher Volume with No “Vertical Violation” Means “Green” Skies  Volume finally showed up yesterday and on an up day! Last week we wrote, “Up volume is to a bull market in stocks what oxygen is to your lungs. Without it, you can’t last for long.” This morning the sub-peak pattern we wrote about has been negated and the market is beginning

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Special Bulletin: May 11, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment Will this “Subpeak” Lead to a “Vertical Violation,” aka Crash? Where, oh where, can the volume be? That was the original title of this post but the potential for an eminent sharp price decline in the stock market necessitated the new title. Up volume is to a bull market in stocks what oxygen is to your lungs. Without it, you can’t last for

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Special Bulletin: May 4, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment May the Fourth be with You We don’t believe in luck. It is obvious to us that God gives favor, or blessings, and that Providence is a real factor at work in the world. So, while Star Wars was a lot of fun, the real “Force” has created and is sustaining the entire universe. May that force, Jesus, be with you. It is

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Special Bulletin: April 26, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment As Serious as a Heart Attack As the human heart is in desperate need of strong blood flow to remain healthy and to work properly/fruitfully, the same is true of the capital markets, and in particular of equities.  We seem to be at a “who’s gonna blink first” moment. Big investors are sure rate cuts are coming. It’s the life-blood of stocks! They

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Special Bulletin: April 19, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment A Rare Technical Occurrence Last Monday we updated our website to our “red” warning stop light and shared on our C.M.O. landing page (and on our Linked-In social media account like usual) this update, “Our Current Market Outlook has been downgraded to “Market in a Correction” with a red light as of 1:15pm on 04/15/24 (SPX 5,110.77). The general stock market indexes are testing

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Special Bulletin: April 13, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment A Catalyst: Has it Arrived? Last week we wrote, “We see a “low (downward) pressure” system fast approaching for the stock market. The question now is will it be just a gentle shower or a more violent storm?”  That question is being answered today, Saturday, April 13th. Due to yesterday’s news of a possible Iranian attack on Israel over this weekend, we waited

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Special Bulletin: April 4, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment April Showers or Stormy Weather? We see a “low (downward) pressure” system fast approaching for the stock market. The question now is will it be just a gentle shower or a more violent storm? The market seems to be sputtering on the diminishing fumes of rate-cut hopes for June. The stock market (as measured by the major indexes) remains priced for perfection. At

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Special Bulletin: March 29, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Is He Worthy? He is! As the first quarter comes to an end, this is a great time for reflection. The year has started off well, as far as the markets are concerned. Even the Presidential political process has firmed up. Much is at stake in the remaining 9 months. More on that below. While the quarter was very solid, the major indexes

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Special Bulletin: March 20, 2024 (3pm Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Back to Green, but don’t get Comfortable All-time highs are hardly the place where an investor should get aggressive. Having said that, if you think about it, the stock market has been hitting ATH’s our whole lives. At least that is the mantra of the “buy and hold” crowd. Traditionally stock market outcomes show that new highs beget new highs… until they don’t

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Special Bulletin: March 15, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Beware the “Violent-3” Market participants, traders especially, are aware of the term “shakeout.” There’s a particular form of shakeout that we are focusing on today and at TPM we call it the “violent-3.”  As its name implies, a “violent-3” (or V-3) is a sharp, violent move down in the stock market. In a large majority of cases, it lasts 3 trading days and

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Special Bulletin: March 8, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  The Fate of the Union Enjoy/ĕn-joi′/ To receive pleasure or satisfaction from. *  I do not enjoy political theater. Union /yoo͞n′yən/ The act of uniting or the state of being united. * We are, after all, called the United States. A second definition of union sounds timelier and preferable: A combination so formed, especially an alliance or confederation of people, parties, or political

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Special Bulletin: March 1, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Time for March Madness in the Market? It’s that time of year again already! The Superbowl is over, spring training is underway, and the “brackets” are coming together. Who’s your favorite? Are they hot right now, or just a perennial powerhouse that shows up when it’s prime time? Or are you the agnostic, analytical type that looks at all the stats and enters

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Special Bulletin: February 22, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  All Eyes on Nvidia and AI My grandson & I have recently begun enjoying launching Estes rockets. The thrill of seeing his rockets soar into the bright blue sky with a head snapping speed is exhilarating and captivating for both of us- for the whole family. Watching them come back down (which they do quickly) is a bit more nerve-racking. Will the wind

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Special Bulletin: February 16, 2024 (10a Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  A Shot Across the Bow? Froth. Euphoria. Complacency. Three words that every investor/trader needs to be able to identify. Or, ignore them at your own portfolio’s peril.  Ravenous bullishness is not a reason to “sell all and head for the hills.” It is true that excessive bullishness can last for weeks, even months, before finally yielding to a sharp correction. It isn’t the

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Special Bulletin: February 7, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Will Pitchers & Catchers Please Prepare to Report? You may be wondering why write a post about baseball during the week of the Superbowl. For most fans, the season is all but over. All that remains is who gets the “bling.” I grant you; this year’s game should be a great one between 2 dominant and talented teams, but football is a winter

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Special Bulletin: February 1, 2024 (2p Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Opposite the Fed Day? Many investors are aware of the term “opposite the Fed day.” It has been observed that often (a good majority of instances) the stock market will do the opposite of its violent move from the Fed rate announcement day on the day after. So, with that tidbit today should be up. Voila! 🙂 Today is also the first day

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Special Bulletin: January 25, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  The January Effect is Fading? Failing? Our internal indicators, as measured by our “Core Four,” have quickly shifted back to yellow. A VIX that is creeping up and an elevated investor sentiment reading are the culprits. However, except for a couple days of “stalling” price action on the S&P500 this week, the market’s uptrend still seems intact. But our “Core Four” is detecting

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Special Bulletin: January 23, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  A Look Back at Last Week’s Prudent Post All-time highs mean “green” skies ahead? Generally, new highs beget new highs and new lows beget new lows. That is, until they don’t. For now, it’s better said, “strength begets strength.” In last weeks post we stated, “This yellow signal may not last for long especially if the major indexes rip up and off the

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Special Bulletin: January 17, 2024 (9a Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  A Second Test of the 21-day This Year is Upon Us Technicals and fundamentals, when used together properly, are a dynamic duo.  One reveals the “footprints of money” and the other shares the “heartbeat of the moment.” Never forget this: Both are constantly changing. Our Current Market Outlook blends the most important data from both schools of thought and produces a time tested,

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Special Bulletin: January 8, 2024 (10a Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Happy New Year! Our God Reigns! New year… same God – the Lord Jesus. Hallelujah for that! Many investors are concerned about what 2024 may have in store for them. Others have thrown caution to the wind and are chanting, “don’t fight the fed!’ To say that a lot is at stake this year would be an understatement. Let’s take a quick inventory

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Special Bulletin: December 19, 2023

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  And the Fed Said, “Merry Christmas?” Has the Fed really pivoted? Have they declared victory over inflation? What happened to their 2% inflation target? Or, has the Street misinterpreted their comments and read something into them? The Fed has stated, “higher for longer” and still seems to have much work left to do in order to sop up all the pandemic induced free

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Special Bulletin: December 13, 2023 (2p Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  And the Banks and Semis Shall Lead Them The late, great, technical analyst Ralph Bloch often quoted that statement when analyzing the start of bull markets/moves. He had observed an eventual good economy was often preceded by strong initial moves in the bank stocks (and financials, generally- based on an improved interest rate outlook) and a return of an institutional risk appetite, which

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Special Bulletin: November 29, 2023

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Where do we go from here? What a fascinating chain of technical events! The November rally has been nothing short of breath-taking. The follow-through day on the Nasdaq on the 1st followed by the S&P 500’s on the 2nd, along with our Current Market Outlook upgrade that same day, have ushered in a meaningful period of accumulation in stocks. The question on most

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Special Bulletin: November 2, 2023 (10am Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  The Upgrade… has Arrived Just yesterday we wrote, “The stock market is attempting to rally off of last weeks lows. Based on the internal “math of the market,” an upgrade to a yellow condition is close at hand. But not just yet.” This morning the S&P500 and Nasdaq are bolting above their respective 21-day mavs on huge volume. Perhaps the market is jubilant

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Special Bulletin: November 1, 2023

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  So Close to an Upgrade… And yet so Far  The stock market is attempting to rally off of last weeks lows. Based on the internal “math of the market,” an upgrade to a yellow condition is close at hand. But not just yet. On Friday we suspected an oversold bounce might unfold as the S&P500 index and the NYSE advance/declines lines fell to

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Special Bulletin: October 13, 2023 (1pm Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Be Very Careful Out There  Our Current Market Outlook has been downgraded to “Market in a Correction” with a red light as of 1pm on 10/13/23 (SPX 4,333.68). Our “Core Four” (see top of page) has 1 yellow and 3 red lights. The new rally attempt in growth stocks and the general stock market indexes is coming under immediate selling pressure. The VIX,

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Special Bulletin: October 10, 2023 (10am Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  In Horror We Pray Our Current Market Outlook has been upgraded to “Uptrend Under Pressure” with a yellow light as of 10am on 10/10/23 (SPX 4,353.71). Our “Core Four” (see top of page) now has 2 yellow and 2 red lights. A new rally in growth stocks and the general stock market indexes is attempting to take hold. The recent rise in the

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Special Bulletin: October 3, 2023

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  In Position for a Crash… and yet so Oversold / McCarthy is Out: Is Chaos In? You may be wondering why two titles. Maybe even thinking, “Did he just use the ‘C’ word?” Yep, and if it were to happen it would likely be in the next 4 to 8 days. More on that below. The fact is we had a third title

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Special Bulletin: September 15, 2023 (10am Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Back to Red – Let’s Be Careful Out There Our Current Market Outlook has been immediately downgraded back to “Market in a Correction” with a red light as of 10am this morning (SPX 4,481.34). Our “Core Four” (see top of page) has 1 yellow and 3 red lights due to the major indexes slipping back under their 50-day mavs. The VIX is starting

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Special Bulletin: September 14, 2023

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Lift Off… Until It’s Not? With today’s move by the major stock indexes back above their respective 50-day mavs at the close, our Current Market Outlook has been upgraded to “Uptrend Under Pressure” with a yellow light (SPX 4,505.10). Our “Core Four” (see top of page) now has 1 green, 1 yellow and 2 red lights. Interestingly, the VIX is still situated under

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Special Bulletin: September 12, 2023 (2pm Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  A Bad Apple The big boys and girls on Wall Street appear to be using today’s Apple hype as a source of strength to sell into, at least in tech land. After shooting back above the key 50-day mav’s on the Apple news just after 1pm ET, both the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 have since slipped back under them and on higher

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