

Tracking the “footprints of money” by studying the daily “math of the market.


Four Disciplined Investment Strategies

Triumphant offers four portfolio management strategies, in addition to a customized solution, in order to best meet your short- and long-term financial goals. Each of our strategies are managed with an active “exit strategy” tied to our Current Market Outlook signals to reduce market risk for our clients during severe market downturns.

In accordance with our Biblical focus, the strategies seek to avoid investments in companies that are directly involved in the following: pornography, abortion & abortion inducing drugs; gambling, sports betting, casinos & lottery; harvesting and use of embryonic stem cells, and gene editing; manufacture of alcoholic beverages; recreational marijuana; tobacco; prostitution; the blatant use of censorship on various media platforms; and manufacture of violent video games.


Please Note: All mutual fund & EFT holdings are managed by professional investment companies independently from Triumphant and those management teams may choose to invest in companies that fall outside of Biblical morality. No guarantee is made or implied that a portfolio will be 100% free from TPM restricted industries. The Triumphant team is striving to find long-term solutions that prioritize Christian insight into fund management and routinely assess our strategies involvement against their investment activity.


Mutual Fund/ETF Strategies

The Triumphant Mutual Fund/ETF Strategies allocate assets between five “no-load” mutual funds* and/or ETF’s** (~20% each) that are top rated in their respective categories. What follows are three models to choose from based on an investors personal needs and profile.

During certain types of markets, and at the sole discretion of Triumphant portfolio managers, a holding of cash (money market fund) can be used in any amount for a period of time in order to minimize the effects of a down trending market.

Triumphant Conservative Model

Treasuries with income funds/ETFs that proactively seek steady returns from notes & bonds, utilities or preferred stocks.

Triumphant Moderate Model

Growth and Income (or balanced) funds/ETFs that seek income and long-term growth through equities and/or notes & bonds.

Triumphant Aggressive Model

Growth funds/ETFs that proactively seek to invest in companies/sectors with above-average growth potential.


Equity ETF Strategy

This strategy invests in blue-chip, sector and/or index ETF’s* that are screened for biblical values, while employing a STOP loss protection discipline. This rules-based, concentrated strategy (maximum of 3 primary holdings) utilizes a set of technical indicators that create a signal to “sell” as a possible downtrend is developing, and conversely, create a signal to “buy” after a correction phase has run its course and the markets begin to recover and rally. The model is invested either in the ETF(s), in cash/cash equivalents, or in a combination of both at the discretion of the TPM portfolio manager based on a proprietary set of indicators used to determine the prevailing risk level in the stock market.

The portfolio’s objective is to be invested during uptrends, or to be partially or fully on the sidelines during corrections and/or bear markets.

(*Inverse ETF’s can also be employed.)

Customized Strategy

Triumphant Omni

TPM may provide customized portfolios designed to meet specific needs of a client outside of our four disciplined strategies. These portfolios are designed with input from the client and are based on the advisors understanding of their risk tolerance and objectives.


Frequently Ask Questions

What does "fee-only" service mean?

What does "fee-only" service mean?

A fee-only advisor is paid directly by clients for their services and can't receive other sources of compensation, such as commissions or payments from mutual fund providers. Triumphant only receives payments based on a predetermined annual fee percentage.

What is an "exit strategy"?

What is an "exit strategy"?

An exit strategy is a contingency plan that is executed by a portfolio manager to liquidate a position(s) in a financial asset once certain predetermined criteria has been met or exceeded. It is a planned approach to reducing market risk in a way that will minimize portfolio damage.

What is an "annual fee"?

What is an "annual fee"?

The annual fee is how we are compensated for managing your assets and is charged as a percentage of the total assets being managed. Our annual fee rate is based on the strategy(s) you select and is fully disclosed upfront. It is deducted in monthly installments and is displayed on the investment account statements and online.

Where can I find the TPM restricted industries list?

TPM restricted industries list location...

Click here

What does it mean to be a "fiduciary"?

What does it mean to be a "fiduciary"?

A fiduciary acts in the client's best interest, not their own, when offering personalized financial advice. Fiduciaries must remove or disclose any potential conflicts of interest, while viewing opportunities from your point of view, and make decisions based on what has a high probability of working to your benefit.

How do I find the TPM stock market blog?

How do I find the TPM stock market blog?

That's easy! Just click on the traffic light icon in the top right corner of your screen.

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