Current Market Outlook
BLOG POST: Our Current Market Outlook is “Uptrend Under Pressure” and our light is “yellow.“
Home » SVB – A Woke “Pig in a Poke”
Beware! SVB: A “pig in a poke;” this sad tale ain’t no joke!
VC assets up in smoke, enough to make investors croak!
Big depositors used dagger & cloak; bond and shareholders are the ones to soak!
Bank CEO- one guilty bloke, on his face is lots of yoke.
Feds come in – don’t wanna choke; “panic” fires – they must not stoke.
Lesson learned: Be “woke” and it’s ok to go broke? Action by conservatives this must evoke!
Here are two premium articles you can review for free that delve into this important issue.
And a third one written by Star Parker.
(Note: A “pig in a poke” is an old expression used to describe something that is bought without first being inspected, and thus of unknown authenticity or quality, or something offered in such a way as to obscure its real nature or worth.)
The Latest
BLOG POST: Our Current Market Outlook is “Uptrend Under Pressure” and our light is “yellow.“
Where Are Woodward and Bernstein When We Need Them? This article was written by Newt
A poem about a modern day Pig in a Poke, being “woke” and going broke.
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