The Triumphant Core Four

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Special Bulletin: January 21, 2025


Here We Go! “President Trump 2.0″ 

Things are moving very quickly right now and will likely continue in that manner for some time.

According to President Trumps’s inauguration speech, the new Administration has many bold initiatives. Any casual observer can already see they are building on their momentum. “Let’s go, Mr. President 2.0!”

The stock market is responding well to the change in leadership and to a more business friendly D.C. The stock market’s internals have improved and are reflecting that outlook. 

As a result, our Current Market Outlook has been upgraded twice in the last 2 business days with the most recent upgrade to “Market in an Uptrend” with a green light as of the close today (January 21st) with the SPX @ 6,049.24. Our Core Four has strengthened and as of today’s close has 2 green and 2 yellow lights with a VIX bullishly under its 50-day mav.

As of last Friday’s close, (01/17) the outlook was upgraded to this: “Our Current Market Outlook was upgraded to “Uptrend Under Pressure” with a yellow light as of the close on January 17th with the SPX @ 5,996.66. With the new Administration as a bullish catalyst, the major indexes are regaining their footing and rallying. The key indexes are back above their 50-day mav’s and are reasserting an uptrend. Our Core Four has improved and as of the close on (01/17) had 2 green, 1 yellow and 1 red light with a VIX barely under its 50-day mav. This is an important moment for the markets as the NYSE’s daily new 52-week lows have evaporated as the S&P500 has popped back above its 50-day mav.”

The new administration has hit the ground running and is blitzing the economic issues and our adversaries from around the world. We wonder if the adage “the best offense is a good defense” can apply. Defending (defense) our interests both here and abroad is a wise strategy… and will likely win more than just the Superbowl. Go 2.0!!

“But the Lord your God you shall fear; and He will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.”

“Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee before Him.”

2 Kings 17:39 & Psalm 68:1 NASB 1995

Game plan: Brace for the economic battles the new Administration will be undertaking. Study your personal holdings and plan your exits should things unexpectedly unwind. Pray for guidance for yourself and for our leaders from the Lord Jesus. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6-7). May they prosper who love her.

Note: You can learn more about The Triumphant Core Four risk management system by clicking here.

Have a Triumphant day! ® 

The information in this article is based on data obtained from recognized services and sources and is believed to be reliable. Any opinions, projections or recommendations in this report are subject to change without notice and are not intended as individual investment advice. Not to be used as legal or tax advice. ©2025 Triumphant Portfolio Management, LLC.

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