Current Market Outlook
BLOG POST: Our Current Market Outlook is “Uptrend Under Pressure” and our light is “yellow.“
Home » He is risen! He is risen indeed!
Happy Easter! Jesus is alive!
Liberty – Shane & Shane
The Lord is the Spirit
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, now
There is liberty
And the Spirit lives inside of me
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, now
There is liberty, there is liberty,
There is liberty
For freedom You set me free
And yes, I am free indeed
You rewrote my name
And shackled my shame
You opened my eyes to see
I am free
When the spirit of the world
Comes to kill me and enslave me I will say
There is liberty
For the chains of sin that once entangled me
Have been broken, now I’m singing ’cause I’m free
There is liberty, there is liberty,
There is liberty
For freedom You set me free
And yes, I am free indeed
You rewrote my name
And shackled my shame
You opened my eyes to see
I am free
The storm rolled in
It was dark in the land
As the Son of Man
Was crucified
You don’t take His life
He laid it down
He paid the price
And shed His blood
It is done!
The veil is torn
He has won
And I am free
And I am free
And I am free
I am free
For freedom You set me free
And yes, I am free indeed
You rewrote my name
And shackled my shame
You opened my eyes to see
For freedom You set me free
And yes, I am free indeed
You rewrote my name
And shackled my shame
You opened my eyes to see
I am free
The Latest
BLOG POST: Our Current Market Outlook is “Uptrend Under Pressure” and our light is “yellow.“
Where Are Woodward and Bernstein When We Need Them? This article was written by Newt
A poem about a modern day Pig in a Poke, being “woke” and going broke.
Triumphant Truth
You’re not here by accident. God loves you. He wants you to have a personal relationship with Him through Jesus, His Son. Triumphant strives to honor the Lord and bear witness to His love and mercy by serving our clients with disciplined, proactive wealth management.
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