Q1 2017 Came in Like a Lamb,Went Out Like a Lion

With hints of Spring in the air, it’s only right that the first quarter of 2017 would have featured plenty of “green shoots” coming up in the US economy. During the quarter many of the investment “seeds” that were planted after the election began to sprout meaningful returns. While January & March spent most of the month waiting for the frost to thaw (consolidated sideways), February’s market action was like an early trip to the nursery with robust growth all around! The market experienced a “melt up” as investors continued to anticipate positive announcements coming out of Washington.

During the 1st quarter, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite were up 5.53% & 9.82% respectively (% without dividends). A great start indeed for any year!

Keep checking back to our “News” tab for updates in the “Current Market Outlook” section to monitor how the “Trump Bump” may become the “Trump Thump” of the bears and naysayers.

Have a Triumphant day!

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