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Combining Technical & Fundamental Analysis to reduce market risk through a disciplined investment process.
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Triumphant Faith

Socially Responsible

We are a portfolio management company run on biblical principles with the goal of glorifying God and positioning clients for clear conscience gains. We employ an investment decision making process that brings Christian values into the investment selection, seeking to invest in companies that best represent those Christian values.

Our Difference

Why Triumphant?

 Serving Private Individuals, Corporations, Educational Institutions and Church & Faith-Based Ministries.
Over 75 years of combined investment management and trust department experience.


We must act in your best interest, put your needs before our own and remove or state conflicts of interest.


We make the portfolio management decisions for you to allow you more time to do what you do best.


We don’t sell you anything or earn any commissions. Our fee-only structure removes that conflict.


We strive to grow your assets in up markets and preserve them in down markets with defensive tactics.



Mutual Fund/ETF Strategies

The mutual fund/ETF positions are monitored regularly for performance against their benchmarks and peers and for changes in management of the fund.


We use valuable research tools such as Investors Business Daily ® to study fundamental and technical statistics to select stocks, funds and ETF’s.

Custom Investment Strategies

 These customized portfolios are designed to meet specific needs of a client outside of our five disciplined strategies. 


Call to

“If God be over us we must yield to Him universal obedience in all things. He must not be over us in one thing, and under us in another, but He must be over us in everything.” So, even how we choose to make money with His money is an important area of life stewardship.
Peter Buckley, Biblically Responsible Investing  Institute

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