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Year: 2024

Special Bulletin: February 16, 2024 (10a Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  A Shot Across the Bow? Froth. Euphoria. Complacency. Three words that every investor/trader needs to be able to identify. Or, ignore them at your own portfolio’s peril.  Ravenous bullishness is not a reason to “sell all and head for the hills.” It is true that excessive bullishness can last for weeks, even months, before finally yielding to a sharp correction. It isn’t the

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Special Bulletin: February 7, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Will Pitchers & Catchers Please Prepare to Report? You may be wondering why write a post about baseball during the week of the Superbowl. For most fans, the season is all but over. All that remains is who gets the “bling.” I grant you; this year’s game should be a great one between 2 dominant and talented teams, but football is a winter

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Special Bulletin: February 1, 2024 (2p Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Opposite the Fed Day? Many investors are aware of the term “opposite the Fed day.” It has been observed that often (a good majority of instances) the stock market will do the opposite of its violent move from the Fed rate announcement day on the day after. So, with that tidbit today should be up. Voila! 🙂 Today is also the first day

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Special Bulletin: January 25, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  The January Effect is Fading? Failing? Our internal indicators, as measured by our “Core Four,” have quickly shifted back to yellow. A VIX that is creeping up and an elevated investor sentiment reading are the culprits. However, except for a couple days of “stalling” price action on the S&P500 this week, the market’s uptrend still seems intact. But our “Core Four” is detecting

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Special Bulletin: January 23, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  A Look Back at Last Week’s Prudent Post All-time highs mean “green” skies ahead? Generally, new highs beget new highs and new lows beget new lows. That is, until they don’t. For now, it’s better said, “strength begets strength.” In last weeks post we stated, “This yellow signal may not last for long especially if the major indexes rip up and off the

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Special Bulletin: January 17, 2024 (9a Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  A Second Test of the 21-day This Year is Upon Us Technicals and fundamentals, when used together properly, are a dynamic duo.  One reveals the “footprints of money” and the other shares the “heartbeat of the moment.” Never forget this: Both are constantly changing. Our Current Market Outlook blends the most important data from both schools of thought and produces a time tested,

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Special Bulletin: January 8, 2024 (10a Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Happy New Year! Our God Reigns! New year… same God – the Lord Jesus. Hallelujah for that! Many investors are concerned about what 2024 may have in store for them. Others have thrown caution to the wind and are chanting, “don’t fight the fed!’ To say that a lot is at stake this year would be an understatement. Let’s take a quick inventory

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