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Year: 2024

Special Bulletin: April 19, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment A Rare Technical Occurrence Last Monday we updated our website to our “red” warning stop light and shared on our C.M.O. landing page (and on our Linked-In social media account like usual) this update, “Our Current Market Outlook has been downgraded to “Market in a Correction” with a red light as of 1:15pm on 04/15/24 (SPX 5,110.77). The general stock market indexes are testing

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Special Bulletin: April 13, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment A Catalyst: Has it Arrived? Last week we wrote, “We see a “low (downward) pressure” system fast approaching for the stock market. The question now is will it be just a gentle shower or a more violent storm?”  That question is being answered today, Saturday, April 13th. Due to yesterday’s news of a possible Iranian attack on Israel over this weekend, we waited

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Special Bulletin: April 4, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment April Showers or Stormy Weather? We see a “low (downward) pressure” system fast approaching for the stock market. The question now is will it be just a gentle shower or a more violent storm? The market seems to be sputtering on the diminishing fumes of rate-cut hopes for June. The stock market (as measured by the major indexes) remains priced for perfection. At

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Special Bulletin: March 29, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Is He Worthy? He is! As the first quarter comes to an end, this is a great time for reflection. The year has started off well, as far as the markets are concerned. Even the Presidential political process has firmed up. Much is at stake in the remaining 9 months. More on that below. While the quarter was very solid, the major indexes

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Special Bulletin: March 20, 2024 (3pm Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Back to Green, but don’t get Comfortable All-time highs are hardly the place where an investor should get aggressive. Having said that, if you think about it, the stock market has been hitting ATH’s our whole lives. At least that is the mantra of the “buy and hold” crowd. Traditionally stock market outcomes show that new highs beget new highs… until they don’t

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Special Bulletin: March 15, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Beware the “Violent-3” Market participants, traders especially, are aware of the term “shakeout.” There’s a particular form of shakeout that we are focusing on today and at TPM we call it the “violent-3.”  As its name implies, a “violent-3” (or V-3) is a sharp, violent move down in the stock market. In a large majority of cases, it lasts 3 trading days and

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Special Bulletin: March 8, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  The Fate of the Union Enjoy/ĕn-joi′/ To receive pleasure or satisfaction from. *  I do not enjoy political theater. Union /yoo͞n′yən/ The act of uniting or the state of being united. * We are, after all, called the United States. A second definition of union sounds timelier and preferable: A combination so formed, especially an alliance or confederation of people, parties, or political

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Special Bulletin: March 1, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  Time for March Madness in the Market? It’s that time of year again already! The Superbowl is over, spring training is underway, and the “brackets” are coming together. Who’s your favorite? Are they hot right now, or just a perennial powerhouse that shows up when it’s prime time? Or are you the agnostic, analytical type that looks at all the stats and enters

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Special Bulletin: February 22, 2024

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  All Eyes on Nvidia and AI My grandson & I have recently begun enjoying launching Estes rockets. The thrill of seeing his rockets soar into the bright blue sky with a head snapping speed is exhilarating and captivating for both of us- for the whole family. Watching them come back down (which they do quickly) is a bit more nerve-racking. Will the wind

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Special Bulletin: February 16, 2024 (10a Update)

The Triumphant Core Four NYSE Internals Moving Averages Professional Selling Investor Sentiment  A Shot Across the Bow? Froth. Euphoria. Complacency. Three words that every investor/trader needs to be able to identify. Or, ignore them at your own portfolio’s peril.  Ravenous bullishness is not a reason to “sell all and head for the hills.” It is true that excessive bullishness can last for weeks, even months, before finally yielding to a sharp correction. It isn’t the

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