Author: James Jon Benet

Current Market Outlook

BLOG POST: Our Current Market Outlook is “Market in a Correction" and our light is “red.“...

Where Are Woodward and Bernstein When We Need Them?

Where Are Woodward and Bernstein When We Need Them? This article was written by Newt Gingrich and published in the Epoch Times on May 25th under “Viewpoints.” Commentary The conspiracy between a corrupt set of bureaucracies (including the Justice Department, the IRS, and the intelligence community) and an equally...

SVB – A Woke “Pig in a Poke”

A poem about a modern day Pig in a Poke, being “woke” and going broke. Beware! SVB: A “pig in a poke;” this sad tale ain’t no joke! VC assets up in smoke, enough to make investors croak! Big depositors used dagger & cloak; bond and shareholders are the...

Triumphant PM Expands “Restricted” List Again

Triumphant PM Expands “Restricted” List Again “On this 2nd day of March 2023, as our nation begins to experience a new spiritual revival, and as winter draws near to an end with spring and “new life” just around the corner, we at Triumphant Portfolio Management have expanded our official...

Professional Selling Expands, New Lows too

Professional Selling Expands, New Lows too Special Bulletin: April 6, 2022 The stock market is either running out of gas or pausing to recharge at this juncture. We have written in the past about what we call a “question mark moment” and we are facing one now. The “worries”...

Just what is WICCIR Anyway?

Just what is WICCIR Anyway? Special Bulletin: March 31, 2022 As the first quarter of 2022 winds down today, the stock (and bond) market has a lot on its mind. On Wall Street, it is often stated that the “stock market climbs a wall of worry.” At certain points...

TPM Honors All Who Have Paid the Ultimate Price

Please Join Us in Honoring Those Who Have Paid the Ultimate Price           Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13 NASB On Memorial Day, we remember the true heroes who paid the highest price...

Good Friday and the Road to Salvation

While the birth of Jesus is awesome, the resurrection is even more amazing! You could say it is the climax of the Christmas story. Jesus completed what He was meant to do. We find Jesus’ very last words in John 19:30, while hanging on the cross He said, “It...

A Public Service Announcement (PSA): Dangerous Development for Women and Children

President Biden signs Executive Order allowing men in women’s restrooms.     Please alert your family and friends.         Dear friend, President Joe Biden has issued an executive order that puts women and children in grave danger. By signing his directive, “Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender...

TPM Officially Shuts Down & Deletes Its Facebook Page

January 14, 2021, Lynchburg, VA. Triumphant Portfolio Management, LLC has announced today the shutting down and deletion of its Facebook page as a response to that social media’s censorship actions against the President of the United States- Donald J. Trump, among others. James Jon Benet, President of TPM stated,...